“A Thing of Beauty...”

Half-Hour Tales of Supernatural Suspense

Written by
David W. Dietz, III


“A Thing of Beauty...” and “Indemnity” represent two screenplays originally drafted for a horror/sci-fi/fantasy anthology series I conceived during my college days. The series was originally entitled The Realm Beyond and was essentially in the same vein as Tales from the Darkside, The Twilight Zone, or, most recently, Fear, Itself.

Until the series finds its way to materialize as originally conceived, these two scripts stand very well as short, independent screenplays. They have already been adapted into a spec script for Night Visions, which took second place in the WriteSafe.com Present-A-Thon scriptwriting competition.

Script Synopses:

“A Thing of Beauty...” - MARTIN ALDRED, a young artist, has created numerous paintings throughout his young life. Now, at his first professional showing, his work is finally receiving the critical raves and audience appreciation he has long sought.

The centerpiece of Martin’s collection is a portrait of a beautiful Victorian woman which Martin has christened “Rêveur L’Amoureux” (French for “Dream Lover”). Despite numerous bids from several of the wealthiest patrons of the city, Martin refuses to sell the painting.

However, mysterious and gruesome murders have begun happening at the gallery, which happens to be owned by Martin’s mentor, DR. STEADMAN, where the show is taking place. The killings appear to be connected to the “Rêveur L’Amoureux” painting and Martin confesses to being “visited” in his dreams by the subject of samesaid painting.

Is Martin somehow responsible for the deaths? And if not, then who?

Dialogue Sample #1Dialogue Sample #2Dialogue Sample #3Dialogue Sample #4

“Indemnity” - WILLIAM is on the run from something obsessed with his demise. In a desperate attempt to flee his pursuer, he makes his way to a tiny, isolated rural town, where he finds refuge in a bar owned by local resident JOE.

Joe’s attempts to get William to open up about his troubles meet with only limited success. All the while, the one who longs to see William dead, his former lover ANGELA, closes in on him.

Is William merely a victim of the fury of a woman scorned, or is there some darker secret lurking?

Dialogue Sample #1Dialogue Sample #2Dialogue Sample #3Dialogue Sample #4


– The two scripts, adapted into a single episode of the television series Night Visions, win prize in WriteSafe.com’s “Present-A-Thon” competition.