“Making A Comeback Can Be A Real Career Killer”

Frankie's Dead
The cast of the 2002 Canterbury Theatre production.
Clockwise from left: Susan Skosko, Sara Gaille, Tom Smith, Richard Eckman, Amy Toothman and Daniel Roberts (as the deceased Frankie)
Images courtesy Donna Mason

An Interactive Comedic Murder Mystery

Written by
David W. Dietz III

CAST SIZE: 3 Men, 3 Women


Frankie Avonlea, a once-famous child television star, is set to make the biggest show business comeback since John Travolta (before Battlefield:Earth, that is.) Or, so says his comically shady talent agent MURRAY SILVERBERG. Murray has booked Frankie to headline a comedy/variety show at a recently rebuilt — but still not A1 condition — dinner theater, much to the chagrin of Frankie’s show-business wife, ANNE CONDEH.

As a way of putting Anne’s concerns to rest — as well as to protect his investment in Frankie’s talent — Murray hires JAKE BULLET, a deadly-serious (almost to the point of absurdity) bodyguard. Jake’s job is to ensure that the show goes off without a hitch, as well as to make sure that Frankie stays safely out of the spotlight until it’s the time is right.

Canterbury Cast InterrogationUnfortunately for Jake and all concerned, Frankie turns up dead just as the spotlight comes upon him at the show’s final dress rehearsal. It then becomes Jake’s duty to determine who could have caused Frankie’s star to fall — permanently. His task is made all the more confusing — and hilarious — by the fact that his chief suspects are the people closest to Frankie.

Apart from Murray and Frankie’s wife, Anne, there’s LANCE BOYLE, a young up-and-upcoming talent who, it seems, will do anything to become a star — and for whom Anne has developed a voracious sexual appetite! Could it possibly be MISS KELLY, Murray Silverberg’s trusted assistant who seems to know more about business management than Murray himself? Or what about CAROL HINGLE, an obsessed fanatic with her own Frankie Avonlea-related web site and more information about him than any normal human should be concerned with?

Jake’s investigation into Frankie’s death takes the audience on several harrowing — and hilarious — twists as he attempts to salvage his reputation by solving the mystery of Frankie Avonlea’s murder. So, whodunit? Only the killer knows for sure!

[NOTE: Although “Making A Comeback Can Be A Real Career Killer” is written in four 15-minute acts and one 5-minute act — in order to accommodate a four-course dinner — it may be adapted according to the number of food courses served throughout an evening.]

Dialogue Sample #1Dialogue Sample #2Dialogue Sample #3Dialogue Sample #4